Having Your Ideal Relationship Starts with this Bestselling Book:

Three Rules of Marriage Book

Incredible Testimonial

In speaking with Kim Anthony-Morrow, she was excited to share her experience having just read my book. Her passion was so infectious, that I stopped her and asked her permission to record an impromptu testimonial. I’m SO glad we were meeting via Zoom, because now you get to hear in 2 minutes more than I could possibly say about my own book. This feedback touched my heart. Thank you, Kim!


Welcome Message from Bill Carmody

Thank you for visiting our website. There's lots to see and do here. If you're not sure where to begin, this video will help you get a quick overview of what's available so that you can access the things that are most important to you. 


Get Your Companion Workbook

A blissful marriage doesn’t happen by chance. The Three Rules of Marriage companion workbook is your blueprint to having a blissful marriage. No matter where you find yourself today, this workbook will support your understanding of what you want and the steps to take in order to have the relationship you truly desire.

Where To Buy

Read 2 Chapters for FREE

Take the first step and start getting insights to strengthen your marriage. When you download the first two chapters, you are taking an action toward building the relationship you desire. Ever notice how you respect what you inspect? These first two chapters will ask some probing questions that will support you in beginning your journey. Contextualize where you are in your relationship journey today. And then, create a vision for the kind of relationship you want. These first chapters will support you in designing your blissful marriage.


Early Praise for the Three Rules of Marriage

Doug Hatcher_ rev1.png

Douglass H. Hatcher - Co-founder and President of Communicate 4IMPACT; Co-Author of Win With Decency

“The Three Rules of Marriage speaks to one of the great factors behind success of any kind: the transformative power of relationships. If you’re seeking improvement in your marriage, buy and read this book. If you’re seeking an improved life and way of living, buy and read this book. It’s a short, practical, and personal book with clear pay offs along the way. By the way, Rule #2 is worth the price of admission alone.”


Bette Spruill - CEO of Ideal Coaching Global

“The Three Rules of Marriage is necessary for an intimate and committed marriage that wants to thrive. Learning to live with and honor the "vows" of marriage with integrity and love takes investing in walking a path together. This book can show you how...Bill & Elena are walking the path.”


Michael Harris - MA, LP, SEP; Director of Counseling Services; Indian Health Board of Minneapolis

"The psychology behind the Three Rules of Marriage will make your relationship better, but not just with your spouse. Couples who follow these rules will model "fighting" fair, strong values of concern and gratitude for other people, and emotional self-regulation for their kids. These are critical skills for understanding and navigating any relationship successfully. I highly recommend this book."